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John Carney
Governor John Carney has demonstrated strong, unwavering support for reproductive freedom. He has supported legislation to ensure access to necessary health services and to codify Roe v. Wade into Delaware law.

John Carney

House Bill 455
Governor Carney signed into law HB 455, which establishes shield protections for in-state providers and out-of-state patients receiving care in Delaware, protects against the sharing of consumer and health data in anti-abortion investigations, prohibits insurers from increasing premiums, and expands reproductive health care provider licenses to increase access.

House Bill 455

Featured Action
Women's health care decisions are deeply personal and private, and should be protected under the law - as they are here in Delaware.

Governor John Carney, Delaware


  • House Bill 455
    July 16, 2024

    House Bill 455

    Governor Carney signed HB 455, which establishes shield protections for in-state providers and out-of-state patients receiving care in Delaware, protects against the sharing of consumer and health data in anti-abortion investigations, prohibits insurers from increasing premiums, and expands reproductive health care provider licenses to increase access.

    House Bill 345 (2022)
    July 16, 2024

    House Bill 345 (2022)

    Governor Carney signed into law HB 345, which requires Medicaid coverage for additional postpartum visits with a doula upon recommendation of a licensed practitioner or clinician.

    House Substitute 2 for House Bill 344 (2022)
    July 16, 2024

    House Substitute 2 for House Bill 344 (2022)

    Governor Carney signed into law HB 344, which requires bias and competency training for healthcare workers, including reproductive care providers, to increase equity and improve care quality.

    House Bill 234 w/ HA 1 (2022)
    July 16, 2024

    House Bill 234 w/ HA 1 (2022)

    Governor Carney signed into law HB 234, which extends Medicaid coverage through the first year postpartum.


  • See More
  • Delaware is becoming a safe haven for reproductive rights
  • Delaware Today
  • October 20, 2022

    Delaware is becoming a safe haven for reproductive rights


    In 2017, Delaware lawmakers codified women’s access to abortion, ensuring the right to choose in the First State. It proved to be a prescient move.

    Delaware governor signs bill expanding abortion access and provider protections
  • CNN
  • June 29, 2022

    Delaware governor signs bill expanding abortion access and provider protections

    Amy Simonson

    Delaware Gov. John Carney signed legislation Wednesday expanding access to abortion care and protecting providers and patients seeking services in the state following last week’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

    Delaware Just Passed A Law Protecting Abortion No Matter What Happens To Roe v. Wade
  • Huffington Post
  • June 9, 2017

    Delaware Just Passed A Law Protecting Abortion No Matter What Happens To Roe v. Wade

    Catherine Pearson

    In the months since President Donald Trump took office, there has been a lot of ink spilled over the fate of Roe v. Wade — the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a constitutional right to abortion. After all, Vice President Mike Pence once vowed to send the decision to the “ash heap of history.”

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