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Tina Kotek
Governor Tina Kotek has significantly advanced reproductive rights in Oregon, first during her historical and record breaking decade of serving as Oregon’s first openly lesbian Speaker of the House, and now by utilizing all avenues and authorities she has as Governor. Governor Kotek signed comprehensive legislation codifying abortion rights, protecting providers and patients, and expanding access to reproductive health care. She has also allocated millions of dollars to provide financial support to projects, programs, and organizations focused on expanding reproductive health equity and infrastructure modernization.

Tina Kotek

Governor Kotek Championed and Signed House Bill 2002
This comprehensive bill, championed and signed into law by Governor Kotek, protects patients and providers from interference, criminalization, and penalty; reduces patients’ cost for reproductive health care; protects against out-of-state anti-abortion actions; and more.

Governor Kotek Championed and Signed House Bill 2002

Featured Action
We cannot afford to stand by and watch our fundamental right to reproductive health care be stripped away, not in Oregon, and not in the twenty states that have courageously joined the Reproductive Freedom Alliance. To the well over 150 million people we collectively represent who rely on these services: we have your back.

Governor Tina Kotek, Oregon


  • Amicus Brief in Food and Drug Administration, et al., v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine
    July 22, 2024

    Amicus Brief in Food and Drug Administration, et al., v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

    Governor Kotek and 21 other governors filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of abortion rights in Food and Drug Administration, et al., v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. In this brief, the Reproductive Freedom Alliance governors argued that if the Court reverses FDA approval of Mifepristone and limits access to the vital medicine, it could undermine Governors’ ability to provide adequate healthcare services and would have far-reaching implications beyond reproductive healthcare.

    Lawsuit Over Unnecessary Abortion Medication Restrictions
    July 22, 2024

    Lawsuit Over Unnecessary Abortion Medication Restrictions

    As the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration lawsuit was underway, Oregon’s Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum joined Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson in co-leading a multi-state lawsuit against the FDA to protect enhanced access to mifepristone. The outcome of this lawsuit was Judge Thomas Rice’s decision barring the FDA from making any changes that could reduce the availability of mifepristone in the 17 states that signed on to the lawsuit.

    Mifepristone Stockpile
    July 22, 2024

    Mifepristone Stockpile

    In response to the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s lawsuit challenging the FDA’s approval of the medication abortion drug mifepristone, Oregon secured a three-year supply of the drug. This stockpile ensures that patients seeking abortion services in Oregon will continue to have access to a safe and effective method of abortion. Oregon also developed a plan to distribute its supply of mifepristone equitably to eligible prescribers.

    Reproductive Health Policy Workgroup
    July 22, 2024

    Reproductive Health Policy Workgroup

    The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) established a Reproductive Health Policy Workgroup to provide a coordinated, equity-centered, and comprehensive approach to advancing reproductive health goals in Oregon. Composed of representatives from a diverse set of programs and divisions within the agency, as well as agencies whose work impacts reproductive health, the workgroup provided input and coordinated on efforts related to reproductive health and autonomy from a holistic and intersectional perspective.

    Oregon Health Authority’s Reproductive Health Program
    July 22, 2024

    Oregon Health Authority’s Reproductive Health Program

    The Oregon Health Authority’s Reproductive Health Program has leveraged diverse funding streams to create more efficient and flexible funding sources for Oregon’s network of publicly funded reproductive health clinics, including new infrastructure grants using Title X funds to bolster access to reproductive health services.

    Reproductive Health Infrastructure Investments
    July 22, 2024

    Reproductive Health Infrastructure Investments

    Oregon allocated $3.4 million dollars to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) as part of Public Health Modernization to support reproductive health infrastructure development. This funding created a state-wide abortion access website, provided OHA-wide reproductive health services reimbursement rate revisions and alignment, and provided infrastructure grants to service providers across the state.

    The Reproductive Health and Access to Care Act
    July 22, 2024

    The Reproductive Health and Access to Care Act

    This comprehensive public law expands access to reproductive health and gender-affirming care and establishes protections for those seeking and those providing this care by codifying abortion rights, protecting providers and patients, and expanding access to reproductive health care.


  • See More
  • Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s Fight to protect abortion
  • April 22, 2023

    Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s Fight to protect abortion

    Ayman Mohyeldin

    The Supreme Court has ordered the abortion pill mifepristone to temporarily remain available as litigation plays out in a lower court. But before that, the state of Oregon started stockpiling a supply. Governor Tina Kotek spoke exclusively with MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin on how she’s fighting back against the GOP at the state level to protect reproductive rights.

    Oregon secures three-year supply of mifepristone, pending court action
  • OPB
  • April 20, 2023

    Oregon secures three-year supply of mifepristone, pending court action

    Dirk VanderHart

    Oregon has secured a three-year supply of mifepristone, the abortion medication at the center of a high-profile fight before the U.S. Supreme Court, Gov. Tina Kotek announced Thursday.

    20 Democratic governors form abortion-rights coalition amid ‘unprecedented assault’
  • USA Today
  • February 21, 2023

    20 Democratic governors form abortion-rights coalition amid ‘unprecedented assault’

    Christine Fernando

    Led by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, the Reproductive Freedom Alliance creates a formal structure for governors “to strengthen reproductive freedom in the face of an unprecedented assault on abortion access and other forms of reproductive health care,” according to a joint statement from the governors.

    Tina Kotek answers OPB’s questions on abortion
  • OPB
  • July 14, 2022

    Tina Kotek answers OPB’s questions on abortion

    OPB Staff

    OPB reached out to the three leading candidates to become Oregon’s next governor to see where they fall on the issues. Here are Democrat Tina Kotek’s responses to our written questions.

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